Diverse, Experienced Board a Must for ISACA to Be at its Best

作者: 约翰·德·桑蒂斯, ISACA董事会主席
发表日期: 2023年12月4日

When I began my term as ISACA Board Chair earlier this year, I wrote that major changes to technology and business models today 呼吁ISACA“打破一些玻璃” to enable our professional community to thrive in this new environment.

打破玻璃——在ISACA的背景下, referring to recalibrating systems and business processes for success in the modern era – can be tricky business. Being bold and taking risks are needed to meet the moment, but operating in that fashion calls for a high standard of diligence and responsible leadership.

这就是为什么, as nominations open this week for the 2024-2025 term for the ISACA Board of Directors, excellent corporate governance is a must for ISACA to deliver for our members and engaged professionals in the way that we must.

The ISACA Board of Directors consists of committed professionals from many different domains who generously contribute a substantial amount of time to serve our global professional community. Board directors share a common objective of assuring the ongoing success of ISACA as an organization, 为澳门赌场官方软件提供价值, and growing ISACA’s impact and influence in the industry. 

ISACA is not only an association of members, certification-holders and volunteers, it is a business. 虽然ISACA是一个非营利组织,但它不是慈善机构. ISACA是一家真正的公司,需要强有力的管理, 健全的公司管治, strategic wisdom and experienced executives on both the leadership team as well as the Board to advance its purpose and mission.

为此目的, 每年, ISACA engages in an extensive outreach program to solicit nominations for Board members from both inside and outside the association. It is important that we strike a constructive balance on the Board between the voice of our members, 分会领导的声音, the voice of enterprises and the voice of seasoned general managers. T在这里 are both commonalities and distinctions in the skill sets needed to successfully lead a chapter, to run an enterprise and to have a mindset grounded in corporate governance principles. All of these backgrounds and life experiences are valuable, and it is our intent to ensure the ISACA Board brings together these vantage points to result in the excellent Board leadership that ISACA deserves.

We also believe that a diverse Board – reflecting the diversity of the membership AND the various professional domains, geographies and business lines in which we operate – is important. 我们在这方面正在取得令人鼓舞的进展. 6月, ISACA added directors with global experience in networking technology, 培训和教育解决方案, 以及人工智能方面的经验, 加密货币与网络安全, 他们在欧洲和英国都有业务吗, 以及来自亚太地区的, 即马来西亚, 香港及新加坡. The new board directors join existing board members who are from the US, Mexico, Israel and Germany.

We are distinct in the world of most membership associations in that we are actively looking to build a diverse board that represents not only the excellence and DNA of the membership, but also outside expertise in running or leading world-class, 创新, 超越ISACA的开创性行动. This diversity has the potential to create a wonderful blend of knowing w在这里 we have come from, 我们的历史和传统, as well as w在这里 we must go in terms of innovation and ambition.

It has been great to be part of this fascinating collection of global perspectives. 在我担任ISACA董事会主席期间, I have gained an even deeper appreciation for the ISACA professional community and its potential for major global impact. Under the leadership of ISACA CEO Erik Prusch and his talented team, ISACA is well-positioned to establish and reinforce the good practices that are so urgently needed in our complex digital ecosystem.

I look forward to the ISACA Board providing the support the organization needs to be at its best in the coming months and years. 为了让董事会达到最佳状态,我们需要你的帮助. If you know of an outstanding professional whose expertise would fit well on the ISACA Board, 把他们的名字提出来, 并确保当我们打碎玻璃时, we’re diligent about how we put the pieces back together.

编者按: Learn more about the Board nominations process for the 2024-25 term 在这里. 了解更多有关现任ISACA董事会成员的信息 在这里.
